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Thursday, November 14, 2024

October Top Picks

 Thanks to everyone sharing creativity with us at The Outlawz Twisted Thursday Blog Challenge!

 Congratulations to our Top Picks and Prize Winner!

This challenge was generously sponsored by Decosse's Dynamite Doodles!

Thank you!


Random.org chose the winner,
and the winner is:

#26 NanaConnie

NanaConnie, please contact Katrina: ScrappyMare93@gmail.com for prize information!  Winner has until November 30, 2024  to contact us for the prize.

Our Top Picks

Playing the Twist:

Playing AG:

Here is your Blog Badge! 
 Thanks again to all our friends who shared with us last month!  Please join our current challenge HERE!   

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Twisted Thursdays November 7 - December 4

We want to welcome YOU to 

The Outlawz Twisted Thursday Challenge! 

Just a quick reminder of our rules:

Challenges will be monthly beginning the first Thursday of the month.

We will have some random Sponsored Months!  During those months, a prize will be awarded.  The prize winner will be chosen by Random.org.  You MUST play the twist to qualify for the Sponsored Prize!  

We will award Top Picks chosen by the team with Blog Badges every month!  You may play the twist or AG to qualify for Top Picks! 

You may enter 5 (five) different projects per monthly challenge.  No backlinking; you may combine our challenge with as many others as you like.  

We want to see projects of all kinds (including digital!) and our twist is always optional!  

Now, on to the challenge!



With the Optional TWIST:

"Inspired by a Movie/Musical"
Since we are upon movie months, let's create something inspired by one of our favs!  



Inspired by:

Inspired by:
Around The World In 80 Days

Inspired by A Little Night Music and The Greatest Showman

inspired by
Jack Skellington ('The Nightmare
Before Christmas')

Inspired by It's a Wonderful Life

Winners, when challenges are sponsored, will be selected by Random.org on each challenge and notified here. Site wide winners will be selected by Random.org and notified on main blog page along with our Facebook page.

 1. Some Outlawz Challenges have sponsors and prizes available.  Please read and follow the rules for each challenge and how prizes are awarded.

Please post your own creations only to the challenges.


2. Outlawz Challenges has Sitewide Sponsors that you can win prizes from as well. All you have to do is enter one card/project into a linky on the MAIN blog located HERE. Winners are chosen via Random.org and announced on the 15th of each month.

*You can only enter a card/project that you entered in a concurrent Outlawz Challenge.

*You can only enter a specific card/ project one time.


 If you use Instagram and post your card/project, please use #theoutlawzchallenges

Please join our Facebook page if you haven't already.

Outlawz Challenges Facebook Page 

Thank you for joining us in the Twisted Thursdays Challenges!

Show your love for Twisted Thursdays and post this badge on your blogs! 


This linky list is now closed.

February 2025 - Top Picks!

    Thank you all so very much for sharing your creativity with us at The Outlawz Twisted Thursday Blog Challenge!   Congratulations to our ...